Examination system

INTER RESCUE International rescue dog examination system



The Charitable Association was established in 2003 with the aim of uniting and professionally coordinating geographically dispersed rescue teams operating in Hungary. Foreign rescue teams are also welcome to join our existing association. Why do we do this? So that in case of need, these teams can complement each other, rather than hinder each other, in carrying out operations requiring significant resource integration. In a disaster situation, the lack of coordination may result in a loss of time and capacity, which can potentially lead to loss of life.

In recent years, based on our involvement in foreign natural disasters (such as earthquakes, tsunamis, mud- or snow avalanches), as well as our experiences gained from domestic missions, we have developed and introduced a uniform training and examination system.

Utilizing the expertise and knowledge base of our member organizations, we have formalized the specific requirements for each specialized rescue discipline. This includes defining tasks, competency requirements, as well as methods for evaluating and measuring performance. We place particular importance on the canine search and rescue discipline, which forms the basis of specialized rescue activities. The intervention of other disciplines (such as diving, alpine, medical, etc.) in the rescue operation depends on the results achieved by the rescue dog team. To ensure the operational reliability and effectiveness of the rescue dog teams, we have established a testing and examination system, and have also set up a training center where these requirements can be proven.

Objective of the Test and Examination System

The primary goal is to prepare, assess, and evaluate young dogs specifically trained for search and rescue missions in realistic scenarios alongside their masters. As the dog matures, it should undergo a comprehensive evaluation with its master to demonstrate that it’s still suitable for specific tasks. This system standardizes the training of both masters and their search and rescue dogs, ensuring that they are adequately prepared for actual search operations. It also facilitates the issuance of qualifications and recommendations in accordance with the system’s requirements

Training and Test/Examination Application Criteria

Individuals who meet the necessary requirements and receive a recommendation from their organization’s leader are eligible to apply for training. Training is centrally conducted based on demand and occurs in cycles, with a minimum of 5 participants per session. Those who successfully complete the central courses and pass the theoretical test are permitted to apply for age-appropriate tests or examinations with their dogs.

International Judges

The core body consists of 5 members in proportion to the INTER RESCUE organization. Vacant positions resulting from resignations or extinctions can be filled by qualified candidates.

The Chief Judge is the developer of the examination system; in the event of resignation, a designated judge assumes the role.

In the case of a new member country with a minimum of 3 member organizations, an international judge may be appointed upon unanimous recommendation by the member organizations, meeting the necessary criteria for a successful judgeship.

In countries with international judges, the 6-8 month capacity assessment can be conducted at a national level. The criteria for International Judgeship include being of legal age, endorsement by INTER RESCUE member organizations, completion of a dog trainer-instructor course, and a minimum of 4 years of successful certified search and rescue dog operations, with comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the INTER RESCUE test and examination system.

Curriculum of the central course includes:


  • Behavior in the deployment area, ethical principles, data collection, and
  • Mapping and terrain knowledge, site reconnaissance, and sketching guidelines
  • Trace pattern recognition, area closure, and crime scene investigation techniques
  • Knowledge of radio communication rules
  • Assessing the condition of individuals discovery and applying emergency medical care until professional help arrives (situational exercises)
  • Familiarity with equipment used by rescue organizations
  • Basic alpine techniques (searching in ruins), static knowledge (searching in ruins)
  • Technical rescue knowledge (searching in ruins)
  • Understanding watercrafts (water search)
  • Basic water rescue techniques
  • Basic scuba diving knowledge
  • Understanding animal welfare regulations
  • Canine knowledge
  • Canine health knowledge
  • Canine
  • Persistence and spread of odors based on weather and terrain conditions
  • Understanding the test and examination material appropriate for the age of the dogs
  • Familiarity with training principles and techniques:
  • Membership in INTER RESCUE organization (recommendation by the sending organization’s president)
  • Attainment of legal age (18 years of age or older)
  • Clear criminal record (background check)
  • Physical and psychological fitness
  • Medical clearance

Practical Requirements for Search and Rescue Dog Team

The goal of INTER RESCUE is to train masters and dogs to be able to cope with various situations and provide assistance in the search for missing persons. To achieve this, the following tests are necessary:

Criteria for Dog’s Suitability:

  • Genetic and physical fitness required for the task
  • Nervous system suitability
  • Hygiene and health checks (vaccinations)
  • Vaccination record – domestic and foreign veterinary certificates

Placement with owner during puppyhood, socialization

  • Training within the , acclimation to family and people
  • Housetraining
  • Introduction to resting place
  • Habituation to transportation


(One judge’s presence is necessary. A report is made on the ability test, based on which the Association issues a certificate and a plastic card.)



A/ Following the master

B/ Contact maintenance

C/ Searching method

D/ Perseverance (adherence)


A/ Following the master

B/ Contact maintenance

C/ Safety during search

D/ Perseverance (adherence)


A/ Passing through smoke

B/ Noise tolerance


A/ Boarding the vehicle

B/ Behavior in the vehicle

C/ Exiting the vehicle


A/ Activity

B/ Catching skills


A/ Pain sensitivity

B/ Tendency for aggression


A/ Adaptability


INADEQUATE: task not successfully or with difficulty performed during the test

  • Qualification can only be issued after the deficiencies have been replaced
  • In case of 1 inadequate task, a reevaluation can be done 1 week later (only for the inadequate task) taking into account the previous satisfactory performances
  • In case of more than one inadequate practice, a new complete test can be taken 1 month later (result-based qualification)


all tasks performed without deficiencies, with safety

Obtainable qualifications

1.a/…”name of the puppy” and … “master’s name” have successfully completed the 6-8 month age test. They can prepare for the next 2/young grade class test.

1.b/…”name of the puppy” and … “master’s name” can retake the 6-8 month age test after remedying the deficiencies listed above… time later.

The practical execution is as follows:

In a covered, overgrown terrain:

The master moves away, oppositely to the dog without issuing a command on a grassy area until the judge’s instructions. The dog waits until its master hides, then actively searches upon release (a single sound signal can be given after 3 minutes)

Ruined terrain/area:

The master moves away, oppositely to the dog without issuing a command on the ruined area until the judge’s instructions. The dog waits until its master hides, then actively searches upon release (a single sound signal can be given after 3 minutes)


  • The master calls his unleashed dog into the middle of an area of 6m x 6m, bordered by a smoke alley, then both get out together (3 encouragements allowed)
  • The master guides the unleashed dog beside a working generator or compressor within 1 metre distance. After this they stop there together, meanwhile a chainsaw is being started.


  • Calm tolerance of opening the transport vehicle door, entry with permission
  • Spending 15 minutes in the transport vehicle, while people, and dogs are walking around the car
  • Calm tolerance of opening the transport vehicle door, exit with permission

Fetch Ability:

  • Retrieval of an object thrown close (3m) and then at a distance (8m), and an object placed at 15m
  • Holding the retrieved object and bringing it to the owner without compulsion, and release it by the order of the master.

Nervous System:

  • Clapping beside the dog, stomping, or popping a paper bag

Behavior Between Dogs:

  • Adaptability among older dogs in an unrestrained manner

1/ A-B Preparedness Examination

For Special Search and Rescue Dogs Aged 1.5 Years

(Attendance of 2 judges is necessary, one of which can be a judge from the respective country, and the other appointed by the Chief Judge for the specific examination. A report is prepared after the examination, based on which the Association takes care of issuing the certificate and plastic card.)





A/ Entering the vehicle

B/ Behavior inside the vehicle

C/ Exiting the vehicle


A/ Uninterrupted move

B/ Turns

C/ Sitting

D/ Staying in place

E/ Lying down

F/ Staying in place


A/ Sending forward in a specified direction (min 15 m)

B/ Lying down on command

C/ Sending from a lying position

D/ Right-left directional control

E/ Recall

UNCONDITIONAL RETRIEVAL: (from one point – 3 objects)

A/ Metal object (keychain)

B/ Fabric object (bag)

C/ Heavy object retrieval (3 kg)


A/ Overcoming obstacles

B/ Reaching a specific point with the master

C/ Descending from a height


INCOMPLETE: Evaluation is unattainable or task execution is unsuccessful during the test.

I/A MANAGEABILITY: Upon achieving “Satisfactory” specialization certification, the I/B test can be carried out (if performance falls below 70%, the I/A test must be repeated at least 1 month later!)

Obtainable certifications:

a/… named dog and its master successfully completed the specialization examination. From the date of the examination, the dog can work as a control dog for … years, … months, … days, gaining the right and experience for independent work after the end of the year.

a/… named dog and its master incompletely performed the specialization examination. From the date of the examination, the handler can prepare for re-specialization examination for … years, … months, … days.

I/A-B Preparation Examination

I/A Practical Execution


  • Opening the car door in front of the seated, staying put dog, entry on command
  • Behavior of the dog inside the car, amidst passing by people and dogs
  • Opening the car door in front of the dog which is sitting inside, exit on command

To be performed together with the master:

Exercise by the instructions of the judge, including turns, sitting-staying, lying down-staying (unleashed)

Directional tasks:

Following the judge’s instructions, sending the dog in a specified direction, make it lying down on command, sending forward on command, right-left directional control, recall

Unconditional retrieval:

Retrieval of 3 numbered objects placed 10 m from the dog, 2 m apart, as instructed by the judge (keychain, bag, 3 kg retrieve). The order of retrieval is determined by the judge’s instructions.

Skill tasks:

  • Unleashed dog overcoming a 1 m high plank, a seesaw, a laid ladder, and a barrel obstacle
  • Instructed by the judge, moving the dog from one point to another in a lifelike terrain
  • Descending from a height of over 8 m together with the master using a rope



A/ Selection of a scent canister matching a person’s scent (out of three scent canisters – dog works unlieashed)

B/ Tracking a trail over 100 m (unleashed dog)

C/ Signaling objects related to the trail to be tracked (3 objects signaled as announced beforehand)

D/ Signaling a person at a height


A/ Signaling a living person with distraction

B/ Signaling a deceased imitation with distraction


A/ Determination (1 km preliminary run)

B/ Search style (maintaining contact)

C/ Indifference to wild animals

D/ Signaling a laying person

E/ Signaling a sitting person

F/ Ability to lead to a location


A/ Structural safety (movement, sound, smoke effects)

B/ Directional control (movement instructions)

C/ Signaling a person in a horizontal hiding place

D/ Signaling a person in a vertical hiding place

E/ Indication ability (scratching instinct)

I/A-B Preparedness Examination for Special Search and Rescue Dogs Aged 1.5 Years

I/B Practical Execution

Scent Technique Tasks:

  • The master selects one scent out of three scent canisters to be used as the sample scent
  • After the dog has fixed on the scent, a 20m x 2m marked area is used for the dog to freely (unleashed) search for the designated matching scent canister and to signal it after identification
  • The dog follows unleashed the scent trail according to the direction and strength of the wind
  • Signaling (as announced beforehand) of 3 objects matching the scent within a 50cm radius of trail
  • Observing the dog’s behavior at the end of the trail, transitioning from ground to air scent, and persistently signaling the presence of a person

Distinguishing between living and deceased scent

  • Selecting and signaling (as announced beforehand) a living person from 5 hiding spots as announced in advance, amidst 4 distracting scents (bird, furry animal, food, whitewash, human waste).
  • Signaling (as announced beforehand) a deceased preserved scent from 5 hiding spots as announced in advance, amidst 4 distracting scents (bird, furry animal, food, whitewash, human waste).
  • Signaling a living person and then a deceased preserved scent from 6 hiding spots as announced beforehand, amidst 4 distracting scents (bird, furry animal, food, whitewash, human waste).

Search on covered, overgrown terrain

  • Covering a distance of 1 km at a slow run with the dog on leash
  • Searching for a seated and a prone person in a terrain inhabited by wild animals, and signaling presence of the person.
  • The dog signals persistently while staying beside the person (3 minutes), and upon being called, runs back, and leads the master to the spot of the person

Search on ruined terrain

  • Directed systematic search amidst smoke and sound effects at a constructed ruin
  • The master assists the dog’s accident-free movement, ensuring passage amidst distracting stimuli (generator, burning fire, sound of earthquake heard on speaker, movement of rescuers)
  • Signaling persons in horizontally and vertically constructed hiding places
  • Multi-sided control and indication ability (directional signaling through scratching)


For Specialized Search and Rescue Dogs Aged 2 Years

(Attendance of 2 judges is necessary, one of whom can be a judge from the respective country, and the other appointed by the Chief Judge for the specific examination. A report is prepared after the examination, based on which the Association takes care of issuing the certificate and plastic card.)




A/ Entering the vehicle

B/ Behavior inside the vehicle (among multiple dogs)

C/ Exiting the vehicle

D/ Tolerance of a muzzle


A/ Varied pace movement

B/ Turns

C/ Adaptations

D/ Sitting-staying

E/ Lying-staying


A/ Sending in a specified direction (minimum 25 m)

B/ Remote command: lying down

C/ Remote command: sitting-lying down-standing

D/ Forward sending

E/ Right-left directional control at the spot

F/ Recall


(Guided retrieval from 20 m)

A/ Metal object retrieval

B/ Fabric object retrieval

C/ Heavy retrieve (5 kg)


A/ Overcoming obstacles (climbing-jumping-crawling-balance)

B/ Dog being carried in arms/lap and handover to another person

C/ Dog being carried on back (while using a ladder)

D/ Transport the dog on a rope bridge

E/ Dog descending together with the master on a rope


INCOMPLETE: Evaluation during the test is unattainable or task execution is unsuccessful.

MANAGEABILITY: Upon achieving “Satisfactory” specialization certification, the 2/b test can be carried out. (If performance falls below 70%, the 2/a test must be repeated after a minimum of 1 month.)

Obtainable certifications:

a/… named dog and its master successfully completed the specialization examination. From the date of the examination, the dog can work as a control dog for … years, … months, … days, gaining the right and experience for independent work after the end of the year.

a/… named dog and its master incompletely performed the specialization examination. From the date of the examination, the handler can prepare for re-specialization examination for … years, … months, … days.

2/ A-B Preparedness Examination

For Specialized Search and Rescue Dogs Aged 2 Years

2/ B Practical Execution

Scent Technique Tasks

  • The master selects one scent canister from 1-5 as the starting scent canister
  • Introducing the selected scent canister to the dog, fixation of the scent in the dog (motivation, harness, etc.)
  • A 40m x 4m marked area is used for the dog to unleashed search for the designated matching scent canister and to signal it after identification. (Free search – unleashed – without influencing the dog)
  • The dog freely follows the scent trail according to the direction and the strength of the wind
  • Signaling 5 objects matching the scent sample within a 50cm radius a 200m trail as announced beforehand.
  • Observing the dog’s behavior at the end of the trail, transitioning from ground scent to air scent, and persistently signaling the presence of a hidden person (with a level difference in the terrain)

Distinguishing between living and deceased scent

  • Selecting and signaling a living person from 10 hiding spots as announced beforehand, amidst 6 distracting scents (bird, furry animal, food, whitewash, human waste, soot).
  • Signaling a deceased preserved scent from 10 hiding spots as announced beforehand, amidst 6 distracting scents (bird, furry animal, food, whitewash, human waste, soot).
  • Selecting and signaling a living person and then a deceased preserved scent from 10 hiding spots as announced beforehand, amidst 6 distracting scents (bird, furry animal, food, whitewash, human waste, soot).

Search on covered, overgrown terrain

  • Covering a distance of 1.5 km with the dog on a leash at a slow run
  • Searching for a seated and a prone live person in a terrain inhabited by wild animals, and signaling their presence.
  • Signaling a deceased preserved scent sample placed at hight (on a tree). (radio communication).
  • The dog signals persistently while staying beside a person (for 3 minutes), and upon being called, runs back, and leads the master to the spot of the person

Search on ruined terrain

  • Directed systematic search based on data collection amidst smoke and sound effects at a constructed ruin (radio communication)
  • The master assists the dog’s accident-free movement, ensuring passage amidst distracting stimuli (generator, burning fire, speaker-simulated earthquake, movement of rescuers, siren)
  • Signaling live persons in horizontally and vertically constructed hiding places (contact with 3 individuals)
  • Signaling a deceased scent canister object (1 item)
  • Multi-sided control and indication ability (directional signaling through scratching)


For Specialized Search and Rescue Dogs Aged 2 Years

(Attendance of 2 judges is necessary, one of whom can be a judge from the respective country, and the other appointed by the Chief Judge for the specific examination. A report is prepared after the examination, based on which the Association takes care of issuing the certificate and plastic card.)

Water Search

Series of exercises to be performed by the water search dog and its master

  • Behavior inside the vehicle
  • Disciplinary task series
  • 30-meter round trip swimming with the dog, getting in and out of the water from the shore, boarding and disembarking from a boat, behavior on board. Search drive, perseverance. Signaling scent in the water. Signaling submerged scent underwater according to operational regulations.

Obtainable certifications:

a/… named dog and its master successfully completed the specialization examination. From the date of the examination, the dog can work as a control dog for … years, … months, … days, gaining the right and experience for independent work after the end of the year.

a/… named dog and its master incompletely performed the specialization examination. From the date of the examination, the handler can prepare for re-specialization examination for … years, … months, … days.


For Specialized Search and Rescue Dogs Aged 6 Years

(Attendance of 2 judges is necessary, one of whom can be a judge from the respective country, and the other appointed by the Chief Judge for the specific examination. A report is prepared after the examination, based on which the Association takes care of issuing the certificate and plastic card.)

Seniority Examination

Determining if the dog and its master are capable of carrying out the specialization task or if limitations are necessary in relation to the examination material. The examination limit for dogs is 11 years of age.

Obtainable certifications:

a/… named senior dog and its master performed the specialization examination without limitations.

a/… named senior dog and … named master incompletely performed the … specialized examination, lacking the following… tasks. From the date of the examination, they have … years, … months, … days to prepare and reapply for the specialized examination.

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